The Residences
From studio apartments to three-bedroom residences, homes at Grand Street Guild are outfitted with modern, efficient appliances and benefit from recent, building-wide upgrades to electrical and steam systems. The installation of modern radiator systems allows residents to control the temperature and be comfortable in every season.

The Buildings
Residents of Grand Street Guild enjoy bright, welcoming lobbies with keypad entry systems that allow residents to safely and conveniently access common spaces.
Laundry rooms on the ground floor of every residential tower feature heavy-duty washers and dryers, and are temperature-controlled for year-round comfort. Upgraded in 2017, they are inspected regularly to ensure peak efficiency.
Our maintenance building provides a centralized location for refuse storage in addition to housing our security headquarters. The building’s 3,500-square-foot green roof is a thoughtful enhancement to the grounds and preserves the amount of green space to the greatest degree possible.
Grand Street Guild continues to identify opportunities to further enhance residents’ quality of life, with planned projects such as a window replacement campaign to maximize energy efficiency, replacement of 300+ apartment front doors along with expansion of our existing security camera system, and elevator upgrades in all three buildings.

Open Space & Amphitheater
Grand Street Guild offers open leisure spaces for residents of all ages. Abundant green landscaping and wide walkways lined by plants, trees and bench seating throughout the housing community are enjoyed by all.
Open space is enlivened by two recreation areas, featuring painted sidewalk games and an in-ground water feature, attracting and delighting children year-round.
The amphitheater is a popular destination for residents of all ages, in particular in summer months when Grand Street Guild curates exciting programs like live musical and dance performances, outdoor movie screenings, cross-cultural activities and, to everyone’s delight, a summer barbeque.

Community Room
Grand Street Guild strives to provide safe and comfortable spaces for residents to enjoy group and individual activities, from classes that inspire creativity, to exercise classes to nighttime bingo. The community room, located on the main level of 131 Broome Street, was renovated in 2017 and is a popular place to gather and converse. It is an active space in which to watch a movie or television show, join in an impromptu music session around the piano, or circle around a table with a deck of cards to play a game and chat about the news of the day. The Residents Association maintains an office in the community room at 131 Broome Street as well.
Grand Street Guild also welcomes residents to the community room for ESOL classes, financial counseling workshops, youth-specific programming, and other engaging activities.